Oct. 21 - 23

Science 8

Wednesday October 21st:

  • Students were given a work period to begin the “Create your own lab” activity. The activity requires that groups of 3-4 students create a lab that they will present to the whole class. Students will also write up a lab procedure aimed at helping the reader recreate the steps necessary to make the lab themselves. Lastly, groups will research applications of Archimedes’ principle, and will be required to share their findings during their group presentation.
  • Students are to submit a list of lab materials they will require by the end of tomorrow’s class (Thursday October 22nd). Students will be expected to provide as much of their own materials as possible.
Thursday October 22nd:

    • Another work period for students to work on “Create your own lab”. Reminder that students are to submit a list of required materials for their lab by the end of today’s class.

Friday October 23rd:

    • The Grade 8 and 9 students were given a math exam (MIPI), which took up both math and science periods. There was no science class today.

Presentations will begin on October 27th.

List of resources: click here
    Links for the project:
Tomorrow all students will completing the math baseline assessment.

 Science 9

  • Students completed the quiz today.

  • Tomorrow all students will completing the math baseline assessment.

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