January 12
Science 8:
- Students should have completed the Solubility and Concentration Lesson:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mjX42JyblN-BwH8acHdd1E1QYlhtmB9d/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117222193763604155365&rtpof=true&sd=true
- There is an exit slip in the lesson that should be completed no later than Friday Jan. 14
- Students should have also completed reading page 29-31 (taking brief notes) and answered #1-3 on page 31
- During tomorrow's class we will go through a series of questions and identify any areas of confusion
Science 9:
- Students should have completed Lessons 1 and 2 and submitted the forms (see below for a link to the lessons)
- Students prepared for tomorrow's lab and assessment
- Students will be performing an Organic Molecules Lab tomorrow and Friday
- Students will be expected to know the 3 indicator tests prior to performing the lab
- A pre-lab assessment will be done on Thursday January 13 at the start of class
- A post-lab assessment will be performed on Monday January 17 (students can use their data table of observations during the assessment)
- See below for the organic molecules lesson and lab details
Click here for the lessons and lab details