March 2
Science 8
- students finished their spectroscopy labs
- conclusion for lab is due by Friday
- Unit Final Retest is in class on Thursday
- Properties of Light Quiz on Friday
Science 9:
Topic 1 Quiz on Friday
- On Tuesday, we covered Wet Cells using an inquiry activity on what you need to create a wet cell.
- On Wednesday, we went over the difference between Cells and Batteries, as well as what Dry Cells are and how they differ from Wet Cells. We also looked at electrolysis in class and discussed electroplating.
- For your Topic 1 quiz ON FRIDAY MARCH 4, here are the concepts that you should look over (TOPIC 1 in the textbook):
static electricity
current electricity
amperage and voltage
series and parallel circuits
electrical safety
wet cells and dry cells
We will not cover any concepts from the voltage lab and will discuss those concepts later.